Although I am not sure if I have the words to write about our close proximity to this fire, I did want to share my past week with you through my camera lens.
Quick Facts on the Crystal Fire as of April 8, 2011
(from Larimer County Emergency Information)
Fire Start Date: 04/01/2011
Cause: Under Investigation
Fire Size: 3,200 acres
Contained: 55%
Total Personnel: Approximately 398
Additional resources: 5 crews, 4 helicopters, 27 engines
Burned Residences: 15
Crystal Fire in Redstone Canyon
The Crystal Fire though looking tame in this photo taken on Monday
comes to life again on Tuesday with high winds.
(The house at the bottom of the photo belongs to one of our volunteer firefighters and is safe as of this post.)
Crystal Fire Horse
A horse grazes near the smoldering mountain pine forest of the Crystal Fire.
(The horse is safe. Valley residents did not have time with this fast moving fire to trailer their horses to a safe location and instead set them free in the open range. The horses run from the fire and are later caught and returned home.)
Crystal Fire in Black and White
The pilots of these helicopters made numerous trips through the smoke to drop their load of water on the fire's hot spots.
Helicopter Bucket Drop
A helicopter bucket drop on the Crystal Fire in Redstone Canyon, Colorado.
Helicopter Tanker
A helicopter tanker flies over my home on its trip from the reservoir to drop its load of water on the Crystal Fire.