Some mornings are very cold in Colorado but we are lucky enough to have the sun shining most days, which makes it "feel" warmer, at least psychologically. My dogs, the hound and the Aussie, will not let me skip their favorite part of a day. They sit expectantly at my feet in the studio until I relent. I'm usually very eager to join them outside, but his particular morning was colder than most and I was not looking forward to it. Making the best of it, I threw my camera around my neck, grabbed the leashes and off we went. Here are a couple of shots walking through our new neighborhood from that morning.
Neighborhood Walk
An old pine creates woodland magic in a suburban neighborhood.
Jazz Hands
It's not the Arctic and she isn't doing a jazz dance, but this woman was getting ready to wave and to pet my dogs on a very cold morning in Colorado.
Etsy JulieMagersSoulen |
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