Grandmother Pine stands where the cold winter wind blows the strongest. The gale is channeled up a steep narrow canyon and breaks over the ridge exactly where she stands. Her trunk is thick and twisted. Her branches are short and sturdy. She barely notices the brutal blast that pushes me about like the fragile being that I am. She offers sanctuary to every creature under her thick boughs where the air is quiet and the light dim. She stands protectively over all who accept her embrace. Thank you for your shelter, Grandmother Pine.
Thank you for your patience regarding my computer difficulties. I am up and running smoothly again, although a bit behind. So my return is a little slow, but I will catch up and have many new photographs as the week progresses. Check back often.

Grandmother Pine
An ancient and twisted ponderosa pine has withstood time and the severe weather on a mountaintop in Colorado.
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An ancient and twisted ponderosa pine has withstood time and the severe weather on a mountaintop in Colorado.
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